29-05-2017, 01:46 PM
My own project, i picked a very wet few months at the end of 2015, not ideal weather. This is my next apprentice, Mason.
Looked a nice day in November. The 8x8 green oak posts were the heaviest things i have ever lifted, 4x3 wall plate.
The roof was the easy bit, keeping the wall plate low as not to go to high overall, gave me another workaround, the 4m spans were bowing under the weight. I had to wrap the wall plates in steel, might see on another pic.
Just make out the box steel primed. I have sanded the pillars, which too me two days to do. Worth it they came up nice in the end.
The tiles were a pain to do, my two B-inlaws did most of it. Composite tiles with plastic ridges, copper nail's and pins.
Very nearly finished, in all it took me 6 months of week ends and dodging the weather. Had some good parties already.
I did a kitchen in summer 15 and they had a small 3x3 which they were always under, which gave me the idea. Just a little bigger.