11-03-2015, 10:18 AM
(11-03-2015, 09:42 AM)ladybird1234 Wrote: Added plan for room size,its been changed many times!
Bringing the base units at sides out a bit to avoid fillers as they dont do 1000 pans and to try and avoid a join in quartz along the longest stretch of units?
Be careful with doing that on a Benchmarx kitchen. It's a nice little trick we use to avoid filler panels as you say, but last time I checked benchmarx decor end panels were only 605mm deep. So if you bring those units in anymore than 5mm off the wall you're going to have problems with gaps behind the dishwasher and the hob units.
So double check that with Benchmarx decor ends aren't 605mm. Hopefully they have made their panels 650mm deep like most others
They could I suppose supply you with an island bank panel which you could then cut in half and use either side, but again last time I checked their bak panels weren't lacquered like the doors and are instead laminated. this can be quite noticeable to the eye as laminated panels often have a slightly bumpyness to them on high gloss finishes.
Sorry sounds like i'm all doom and gloom. Not trying to be, just advising you on the possible pitfalls and what to look out for.