06-03-2014, 11:59 PM
Not my designs ( not really a fan in all honesty )
I designed and had the cabs made, based on the wrong sizes! So all had to be modified on site
The builder put the stud wall in between the two rooms 10mm out of square along 0.9 mtrs..........
I think the recess in the bath area would have looked better as two niches, again my proposals were shot down as the builder build the stud work and wants glass shelves there..
Same goes with the setting out of the tiles, he didn't check the sizing so there are some slithers I wouldn't have put in but I wasn't asked to tile this job.
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I designed and had the cabs made, based on the wrong sizes! So all had to be modified on site
The builder put the stud wall in between the two rooms 10mm out of square along 0.9 mtrs..........
I think the recess in the bath area would have looked better as two niches, again my proposals were shot down as the builder build the stud work and wants glass shelves there..
Same goes with the setting out of the tiles, he didn't check the sizing so there are some slithers I wouldn't have put in but I wasn't asked to tile this job.
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