09-07-2013, 09:36 AM
HI Guys,
Large scale enquiries are going through the roof - everyone seems very happy and i'm convinced a lot of these are gonna go out soon.....but when!!!!! Making my missus nervous and when she's nervous i get nagged! So i'm hoping for a big order soon! It would seem i have a handshake order for 840,000 of them to a national retailer but no purchase order yet! That'll be a month or so at least yet.
But check this link out on Ted - only 2.5 mins long - I might be the shirtless guy, but i'm not the most important, you lot on KFF and Stretch are the first to stand up - you changed me from being a lone nut and Space-Plug into a movement so you realise I can't thank you enough for all your support http://youtu.be/V74AxCqOTvg
Speaking of Stretch, the new company fleet needs a new clutch but it got me to see Mr Stretch and Claydon lad in Buckingham - great day guys - many thanks. Got to see Space-Plug being used to its fullest and it really was very handy.
Couple of simple tweaks to Space-Plugs and a whole load of jiggling and shimming went out the window and a bunch of perfectly in line units went in - I have to say, I felt kinda smug (well smug..ish at least) as they worked so well. Stretch now tells me he's sold on the idea and uses Space-Plug only now cheers boss. We'll put some pics up once me and bro get some of the all finished/decorated kitchen soon.
Was the first time my older brother had seen them actually in action (he does all my photography for me and is awesome - even though he's annoying, but what are brothers for?) and I even got some kudos from him!! Wo bro!!!!!!!!!only taken 43 years
Well I'll be back soon I hope, waving my huge purchase orders at you all.... I hope, and don't forget to mention Space-Plugs to your reps or dealers for me and I'd really appreciate replying on here with any companies you might suggest i should approach, that would be really helpful
All the best guys, enjoy the sun,