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Bespoke Enclosed Reception Area - Printable Version

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Bespoke Enclosed Reception Area - Joe Laughlin - 19-12-2016


Last job before Xmas. Designed by yours truly and a mix of CNC and good old joinery work. 3 weeks to make and one night to fit.
Didn't like the colour but it had to match existing panels in the court.

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RE: Bespoke Enclosed Reception Area - Jayne Hiddleston - 19-12-2016

Looks great Joe  ThumbUp

RE: Bespoke Enclosed Reception Area - Daz Gizmo - 19-12-2016

Very nicely done  ThumbUp

RE: Bespoke Enclosed Reception Area - Colour Republic - 19-12-2016

Looks intimidating! But then maybe it's supposed to, is this a police station or prison maybe?

Looks nicely finished though ThumbUp

RE: Bespoke Enclosed Reception Area - Joe Laughlin - 19-12-2016

(19-12-2016, 04:17 PM)Colour Republic Wrote: Looks intimidating! But then maybe it's supposed to, is this a police station or prison maybe?

Looks nicely finished though ThumbUp

Scottish courts, this area is where witnesses come when they first arrive. It's called a muster room! No idea why it's called that. Yea it's big 4m x 2.7m, the one on the second floor which is about 30years old is even bigger. Hoping they rip it out and let us put a new one there as well.


RE: Bespoke Enclosed Reception Area - Colour Republic - 19-12-2016

Never heard it called a muster room before, but makes sense. Muster together as such

What is a muster room?

Meaning "to collect, assemble" is early 15c.; figurative use (of qualities, etc.) is from 1580s. To muster out "gather to be discharged from military service" is 1834, American English. To muster up in the figurative and transferred sense of "gather, summon, marshal" is from 1620s. Related: Mustered; mustering.

RE: Bespoke Enclosed Reception Area - PREM - 20-12-2016

Very nice Joe, a lot of work to be done in one night. ThumbUp

Rob, you watch to much Countdown Bling